Will You Come to Bed with Me? Creating Mindful Moments with Your Family.【電子書籍】[ Victoria Yuen ]


<p>You know you need to relax, but you dont know how.</p> <p>Youve been told that you need to get more sleep, but where do you find the time?</p> <p>You can see that your children are following your footsteps and becoming anxious and stressed, but you dont know who to turn to and how to help them.</p> <p>This snowballs in your house, everyones getting on everyones nerves and getting louder, more stressed, and its out of control.</p> <p>This book is for you, my friend. Hundreds of people have asked me to Come to bed with me, because I help them relax, and I can help you and your children.</p> <p>I met Victoria Yuen many years ago when we were both at a womens well being day. She is a yoga teacher and a passionate advocate for calmness like myself. In her uniquely light hearted, sometimes cheeky way she has written a delightful book to help tame the stressed out grown ups who struggle in our chaotic world.</p> <p>Her techniques have helped lots of people - and children - get more sleep and live healthier lives. Will you Come to Bed with Me? is a rare gem.</p> <p>-Maggie Dent Author, Parenting & Resilience Educator.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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