A Venetian Affair: A Venetian Passion / In the Venetian's Bed / A Family For Keeps (Mills & Boon By Request)【電子書籍】[ Catherine George ]


<p><strong>The jewel of Italy is the perfect place to fall in love!</strong></p> <p><strong>A Venetian Passion</strong> <em>Catherine George</em></p> <p>A trip to Venice was just the change of scenery Laura needed. But she hadn’t expected a week-long sensual seduction at the hands of handsome Italian Domenico. Or that Domenico could be harbouring a secret that could rock her world!</p> <p><strong>In the Venetian’s Bed</strong> <em>Susan Stephens</em></p> <p>Arrogant and ruthless, Luca is the kind of man Nell hates most. Although helpless to resist his raw sexuality, she can never forgive his coldness years ago. Until they meet again as two masked strangers in Venice on carnival night…</p> <p><strong>A Family For Keeps</strong> <em>Lucy Gordon</em></p> <p>When Julia’s daughter was taken from her, the bottom fell out of her world. But meeting and falling in love with Vincenzo has given her a new start. Then Vincenzo discovers that the child Julia is searching for is the child he was bringing up as his own…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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